First Choice Liquor Market

Warren Mendes’ chocolate Easter cocktails

When we asked chef and pro entertainer Warren Mendes to create new drinks for Easter, he hopped to it and served us up these indulgent ‘choctails’.

first choice liquor chocolate Easter cocktails

Who says Easter is just for the kids? Our entertaining expert Warren Mendes makes two delicious Easter ‘choctails’ and – spoiler alert! – they’re better than Easter eggs! “My blood type is 70% dark chocolate, so Easter is one of my favourite entertaining occasions,” says Warren. “To celebrate, I’ve created two adults-only cocktails spiked with chocolate.” Read on for Warren’s recipes.

first choice liquor Chocolate White Russian recipe

Chocolate White Russian recipe

Fans of white chocolate will love Warren’s twist on a classic White Russian cocktail. “Instead of mixing the vodka and Kahlua with plain cream, I’ve made a creamy concoction of cream and melted white chocolate. It’s lusciously rich, and a sprinkling of salt flakes balances the sweetness.”

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 250mL pouring (pure) cream
  • 100g white chocolate, chopped
  • Pinch of sea salt flakes
  • Ice cubes, to serve
  • 120mL Kahlua
  • 120mL vodka
  • Grated white chocolate, extra, to serve



  1. Combine the milk and white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat in microwave for 1 min, stirring once, until warm. Stir until the chocolate completely dissolves, then stir in the salt. Set aside to cool to room temperature.
  2. Fill 2 serving glasses with ice. Divide the Kahlúa and vodka between the glasses. Pour over the white chocolate mixture. Garnish with grated white chocolate.
first choice liquor Frozen Baileys Hot Chocolate recipe

Frozen Baileys Hot Chocolate recipe

What’s the best way to enjoy a hot chocolate? Frozen, and covered in Baileys, says Warren. “My frozen hot chocolate is the perfect surprise cocktail. I turn hot chocolate into ice cubes that you simply place in a glass and top with Baileys.”


As well as having the element of surprise, this cocktail is great for a crowd. You can make the ice cubes in advance and keep yourself out of the kitchen on the day.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 250mL full-cream milk
  • 250mL water
  • ¼ cup (25g) cocoa powder
  • 2 tbs caster sugar
  • 320mL Baileys Irish Cream liqueur
  • Salt flakes, to serve



  1. Place the milk, water, cocoa and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir for 2 mins or until the sugar dissolves and the mixture is well combined. Pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer overnight, or until firm.
  2. Divide chocolate ice cubes among 4 short serving glasses. Top with Baileys and sprinkle with salt flakes.
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